Opening hours


Indoor Beach

Indoor Beach

Our beach is closing Thursday 31st August at 4pm.

Enjoy some family fun at our indoor beach. It's free and what's more you'll never need to check out the weather forecast as it's always sunny inside OT. 

Open from 12noon on Monday 3rd July, then daily 10am - 6pm. We've not decided yet when our beach will be leaving us but there will be lots of time to enjoy it!

Find it on the 1st floor (with a sea view!).

Grab a coffee and let the kids have some sandy fun!

The beach is free for everyone to enjoy, please read our Beach Rules below to keep things safe and fun for everyone. These rules are also detailed at the beach and regular checks of the area will be made.

~ The beach is unsupervised. Customers using the beach do so at their own risk.

~ Children must be supervised at all times.

~ Please don't throw the sand - things could get messy!

~ Help us keep the beach tidy and remove any litter.

~ Ocean Terminal accept no responsibility for injury or loss of personal belongings.

~ Any issues while at the beach, please call 0131 475 9400 for assistance.